Pre-Primary | Grade 0

Kindergarten & Grade Zero

Our Pre-Primary department is manned by two teachers per class making the teacher-pupil ratio small. This is to make sure that pupils are well monitored and given the attention that they deserve at all times. Our pre-school section pupils feed into the primary section, which allows continuity in our curriculum. Foundation is a crucial aspect in teaching of our learners; so we ensure that we build a very solid foundation from the start. These phases feed children through to Grade 1. In Grade 0, the emphasis is on school readiness. The programme covered in both sections includes the following:

• Creative Work: Cutting, sticking, painting, drawing, sewing, baking – all of which enhance fine-motor co-ordination.
• Rings: Telling of news, nature and interest discussions, Bible stories, music, physical education, perceptual games and memory development.
• Free Play: Water, sand and imaginary play, home corner, construction toys, and large apparatus.
• Language: Language development and developmental skills learnt through discussion, informal interaction, songs, rhymes, discrimination, memory, integration and synthesis.